This photo is what I would use to sum up my 2 weeks of spring break. I went to Disneyland with my dance studio. I went with more as a chaperone as my goal is to become a teacher for about this age range. This is a picture with a few of the kids that I went to Disneyland with.
This is an image I took from my seat on the plane and I thought that this picture could be a metaphor for life. I saw the hills as the highs in your life: accomplishments, or goals achieved. The valleys were the hardships that we will have in life. I liked that it was kind of unexpected where the hills and valleys were just like in life, you do not know when these highs and lows will come.
Lastly, I chose this image to represent Kokoro. When I went to the beach during the break, I found this sand mountain that someone had made before. I saw it like the mountain was isolated from the normal sand.